To celebrate World Book Day, children in the Junior Years have been taking a deep dive into a range of subjects!
All week pupils have been embracing Interdisciplinary Learning, with each year group choosing a different theme and investigating and responding to an authentic, engaging and complex question, problem or challenge posed by the pupils.
Using books and literature, and engaging activities – like a visit to the V&A, designing and making space helmets, designing eco-friendly cities and hosting a bake sale – to back up their research, it’s been a fun and exciting new chapter in the pupils’ learning!
The pupils have developed their knowledge of Space, Under the Sea, Foodbanks, Chocolate, Climate Change, the Titanic, and Picture Books, drawing on perspectives from different disciplines and integrating this for a comprehensive understanding.
Deputy Rector Julie Rose, said, “The creativity shown by pupils and staff this week has been overwhelming.
“The engagement, motivation and fun experienced during our World Book Week event has created tremendous learning experiences which I hope the children will never forget.”