Our Alumni Community

Local and global ambassadors for the school.

We are here to help you reconnect with old school chums, share how the school has grown since your school days and provide opportunities for you to get involved and support us.

We send out invitations to major school events and like to keep you up to date on all our main news a few times across the year.  If you’ve not heard from us in a while, please complete our Keeping in Touch form here.  

ALUMNI REUNION. Associates of the school standing on school steps by pillars looking cheerful.

Ways to help

Click on the buttons below if you’d like to support the School.

Special Helper

If you would like to volunteer at local, national and international school-related events or our outreach programmes please complete the form here

Helper Form

Career Events

If you would be happy to chat to our pupils, recent alumni or attend local, national or international networking events please complete the form here

Career Events

World of Work

If you would be happy to provide work experience or an internship for our Senior pupils, please complete the form here

World of Work

Donate Today

If you would like to make a donation to our Bursary Fund, General Fund or to donate to a specific area of the school please click here

Donate Here

Contact us

High School of Dundee
Euclid Crescent

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