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Dr. Grace Webster Suckling (née Brown) 1922 – 2015

Class of 1939

Dr. Grace Webster Suckling

Having left the High School of Dundee in 1939, Grace went on to study dentistry at the University of St. Andrews, graduating in 1943.

She began to practice dentistry, and then emigrated to New Zealand in 1956, after marrying a New Zealander. Grace lived the rest of her life in New Zealand where, as well as raising 5 children, she had a successful career in dental research and had various papers published.

Her career highlights included graduating as a Doctor of Dental Science from Otago University, New Zealand in 1996, becoming an honorary member of Australian and New Zealand Society of Paediatric Dentistry and being a Patron of the Australasian Development Dental Defects Group.

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High School of Dundee
Euclid Crescent

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